giovedì 2 maggio 2013

La Ristorazione Strategica. Nuovi Sistemi di Controllo e di Gestione nelle Aziende

La Ristorazione Strategica. Nuovi Sistemi di Controllo e di Gestione nelle Aziende: Gli obiettivi perseguiti da questa trattazione sono molteplici e tendono tutti ad un'unica finalità: fornire nuovi e chiari elementi per inquadrare la gestione del reparto food & beverage in chiave moderna. Metodi per governare e gestire un'azienda di ristorazione e tutti i processi e flussi interni. L'obiettivo è altresì quello di sottolineare le mutevoli esigenze di un mercato che richiede un apporto sempre maggiore sia di qualità percepita che di servizio.

venerdì 8 febbraio 2013

Aubergine Parmigiana

Aubergine Parmigiana
Serves about 6

Contrary to expectations this is not a classic Northern Italian recipe, it comes from the South of Italy. This method is a great way to cook aubergines by layering them with Parmesan cheese PDO and tomatoes sauce and then baking them you get an absolutely scrumptious vegetable dish. Great served as starter.

Tomato sauce

130 ml extra virgin olive oil;
1 onion , finely chopped;
2 x 400g tins tomatoes (passata di pomodoro);
1 small bunch of basil;
5 medium aubergines
4 balls mozzarella cheese;
150 g Parmesan;

Heat the oil in a pan, add the onion and gently stir until it becomes brown.
Add the tomatoes ( passata di pomodoro) and stir frequently. Add the salt and the chopped basil. Let it cook for 40 minutes.

Slice the aubergines lengthways about 1cm thick. Brush both sides with a bit of extra virgin olive oil, season with salt and grill. It's important to grill the aubergines well.

Grilling aubergines
Chop the mozzarella cheese into cubes of 1 cm for each side. Put into a colander and add salt so it can discharge the water inside them.  Cut into julienne some leaves of basil and grate the Parmesan PDO finely.

ready to bake
Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Take the baking tray and make the first layer with tomato sauce, then a layer of aubergines and then one of tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, season with the pre-sliced basil. Make 2 more layers of aubergines and tomato sauce, mozzarella and Parmesan. Bake for 30 minutes until bubbling and golden.

Il food and beverage management

Particolare della sala ristorante di Ombre Rosse Parma
Il problema più complesso nella gestione delle aziende di ristorazione è costituito dalla conduzione del settore food & beverage. In quest’importante comparto della ristorazione, in alcuni casi, si paga ancora l’arretratezza nell’acquisizione dei nuovi sistemi di management. Inoltre si incontrano diversi ostacoli rappresentati, sovente, dalla mentalità di una generazione di validissimi professionisti “venuti dalla gavetta”, ma poco avvezzi a sentir parlare di sistemi di controllo della gestione: sistemi che vengono invece attuati in tutti gli altri reparti. La ristorazione deve essere gestita con criteri industriali e non artigianali. Il food & beverage department rappresenta, nella struttura di ristorazione (catering, outside banqueting, etc), il settore più delicato e complesso proprio in ragione della diversità dei servizi di cui deve farsi carico. Esso riunisce la programmazione, la produzione, l’elaborazione e la vendita di questi innumerevoli servizi.  Il responsabile di questo importante e delicato reparto è il food & beverage manager. Il management della ristorazione ha sviluppato, nell’ultimo periodo, un nuovo format per avere successo nel mercato. La curiosità e l’aspettativa verso il prodotto è sempre più elevata: l’utente vuole sapere cosa mangia e da dove arriva il prodotto. Le strutture ristorative si trovano a confrontarsi con una nuova tipologia di cliente, acculturata ed esigente. Oramai, ciò che era considerato di buon livello oggi è dato per scontato, per questa ragione, la qualità generale deve diventare protagonista sia nell’offerta che nella creazione dell’atmosfera e del design.  La tradizione dei prodotti tipici italiani viene riscoperta attraverso la giusta valorizzazione prodotti agroalimentari e delle pietanze tramite il contesto culturale A fare da spalla c’è un ambiente  storico e tecnologico, con l’esposizione di attrezzi storici. Il cliente viene coinvolto, in questo modo, da un percorso composto da elementi di design, da immagini del prodotto che raccontano la storia delle sue origini e dalla preparazione delle vivande in totale trasparenza. Il valore base è la tradizionalità dei prodotti italiani. Questa scelta rappresenta un chiaro messaggio di trasparenza e genuinità dei prodotti. L’utente viene immediatamente ispirato da un senso di fiducia, la sensazione prevalente è che il personale, lo chef e il proprietario siano italiani.

Help Giuseppe to rise money for IELTS in London

Hello Everyone,
          My name is Giuseppe PALADINO, and I'm a 26 year old international student and chef from ITALY. I achieved a MSc in Gastronomical Sciences at Università degli Studi di Parma and my final degree mark was 110 (out of 110) cum laude. I currently want to attend for a IELTS course in London (UK), in order to take part in a PhD research in the Food Science unit  (Developing safe foods for celiacs)  at  Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden).  The main goal of this campaign is exactly for the PhD. My family is experiencing a serious financial hardship  cause the Italian crisis and because I have a brother suffering Keratoconus in both eyes and he needs many money for cure. Therefore, they can’t afford to lend me money. Because of how passionate I am about my career and my studies in food science, I can't let that happen. I need money to pay for my tuition and be able to continue my studies. I need your help.

My PhD course is one of the most important things I want to reach in my whole life. I built my life around it, with friends and colleagues that I love more than I could've ever imagined, and I don't want to lose  them. My family and I have taken so many financial risks getting me into Parma (Italy) and then to London (UK) and I've had so many amazing opportunities since I've been in Parma. I would like to feel myself powerful because I also have a Keratoconus on my right eye and my left is afflicted of a microcornea cataract syndrome so I can’t see anything with it. I want to be able to chase my dream - and what a dream this is! The Italian government has not been able to offer me any financial aid. This is why I am here asking for your help.
I know my goal is a large amount of money, but if everyone who sees this can please donate £1 each, I would be one step closer to my dreams. This money will go straight to my IELTS course in order to achieve 7.0 points. If you need to, contact me and I can give you proof that I attend the course, as well as the price I currently have to pay for the course. I can answer all the questions you have. My email
If I don't reach the goal set on this website, the money that has been donated will still go towards my education.
What I Need & What You Get
Expenses for IELTS course
Tuition fee for 6 months:           £4,000
Rent expenses for 6 months:      £1,800
Living  expenses:                     £4,200
Total Fundraising goal:            £10,000
All contributors – whether you donate £5 or £5000 – will receive regular updates from me throughout my studies and my research from 2014. I will also make myself available for any questions or curiosities you might have.
For contributions over £10, you will receive regular updates from me throughout my studies and research, and I will create a reading list for those interested in learning more about the Development of  safe foods for celiacs people.
For contributions over £100, you will receive regular updates from me throughout my studies and research, a reading list for those interested in learning more about the Development of  safe foods for celiacs people , a digital copy of my thesis achieved in Parma (The management of foodservice: the role of the Gastronomist at ‘Ombre Rosse’ company).
 For contributions of £500, you will receive regular updates from me throughout my studies and research, a reading list for those interested in learning more about the Development of  safe foods for celiacs people . I will send you a  hard copy of my book ( Il pepperoncino- Coltivazione, miglioramento genetico, valutaizone agronomica ed organolettica), with  a handwritten note expressing my appreciation and gratitude, and I will be forever in your debt.

I hope I have conveyed to you my passion about this area of study. It is of vital importance not only to me, but also to the world at large. Please consider contributing to my campaign, and in effect, to the cause.

Other Ways You Can Help
I realize that not everyone is able to contribute right now, but that does not mean you can't help! Other than your contributions, the most important component in the success of this campaign is spreading the word. So tell your friends, family, neighbors, mailman, congressmen, ex-boyfriends and girlfriends, and best friends from eighth grade (you really do owe them a call).  Share it on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, everywhere. I appreciate your help in any way.

You need just a paypal account and connect at this web site :  

giovedì 7 febbraio 2013

Sweet peppers with scrambled eggs

Pipruss’ e ‘gov
Sweet peppers with scrambled eggs

My mother used to prepare this dish for the agricultural day labourer who worked  in my father’s farm near Cosenza, in the region of Calabria. The farm work started early every day, and by the brunch meal, everyone needed some sustenance. This taste and quickly meal with a glass of red wine homemade would keep the staff going until the lunch time.  In winter fresh red bell peppers are substituted with dried sweet peppers.

Ingredients ( serves 4 to 6):
1 Kg of red bell Italian peppers ( Senise cultivar);
100 ml of extra virgin olive oil;
8 eggs;

1. Core the  bell peppers, cut in  half them. Remove the placental tissue (the white ribs) and seeds. Cut the peppers into roughly 5 cm squares.
2. Heat the extra-virgin olive in a large non-stick frying pan. When the oil it’ hot add the peppers. Season them with a bit of sea salt and stir to coat the peppers with oil.
3. fry a briskly heat and stirring often to prevent scorching, until the peppers are quite soft. It takes about 12-15 minutes.
4. Whip the eggs and add them into the peppers frying pan. Cook over high heat, stirring constantly. Add the salt. To be ready It takes about 3 minutes. Serve very hot. It’s very good served with sourdough homemade bread and a good glass of red wine.

500x500_ristoranti Licenza Creative Commons
The Gastronomist- Il Paladino del Gusto by Giuseppe Salvatore PALADINO di Amendolara is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at